Our mission at Natural Healing Centers is to encourage healing on all levels, being able to reach one’s highest potential within the sacred structure containing  body, mind and spirit.

Phone: 708-468-8561


Massage therapy brings relaxation, restores energy, relieves pain and supports the body's natural healing process.


Customized Therapeutic Massage

This massage is customized to your specific needs.  We can include Swedish Massage techniques for relaxation or deep tissue work and stretching to help alleviate specific problems or pains. We can also include energy work into your massage for the complete mind, body and spirit healing.  Each session is customized for you.

      1 hour…….$85

      1 ½ hour…$125


Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy is a very special time. Extra care is taken with moms to be to provide a comfortable position. Once fully supported, we can begin to relieve muscle tension, fatigue, swelling and any other concerns.  While totally relaxed, we can start to shift any lingering emotions related to pregnancy, birth and caring for a newborn.  Tending to these concerns and physical discomforts will allow for a more enjoyable pregnancy, ease labor and delivery and decrease postnatal recovery.

      1 hour…….$80

      1 ½ hour…$115


Lymphatic Massage

 This is a gentle massage that stimulates the lymphatic system. The function of the lymphatic system is to carry waste, toxins, unwanted materials and excess water from the body.  Through Lymphatic Massage, we can help stimulate the bodies natural cleaning system, promoting a healthier immune system and a healthier state of being.

      1 hour…..$80


Reiki Massage

There is a physical, emotional and spiritual balance within our bodies. When one of these areas is under stress, it can create physical symptoms within us. Reiki Massage is a full body massage which focuses on loving healing energy flowing through you. This healing energy restores harmony and balance within our bodies. We will create a space where you can relax, let go, breathe and heal.

      1 ½ hour… $125


Cranial Sacral Therapy

There is an energetic vibrational field within and around our bodies.  By using intention and connecting to our higher self, we can raise this vibration and restore balance and harmony to our energy system.  Through this therapy, we will also focus on expanding and releasing any restrictions we are holding in our bodies.  This is not a Massage. This is a gentle therapy using touch, connection and intention.  During the session, most clients feel an overall sense of relaxation and quieting of the mind. Cranial Sacral Therapy allows healing on a physical, emotional and soul level.

      1 hour…….$90

      1 ½ hour…$125


Sacred Journey Massage

This is a full body spiritual experience.  This massage can take you on a deep inner journey towards your higher self.  When we are able to connect with our higher self, we then connect with love, wisdom and true healing.  This massage will focus on relaxing our physical bodies, raising our energetic vibration, and opening and releasing energetic restrictions.  Our intention during this massage is to create a space where you can relax, quiet your mind and enjoy the sacred journey of this massage.

      1 ½ hour..$125


Hot Stone Massage

During this deeply relaxing treatment, Sara will use naturally healing heated basalt stones. These stones will be placed on the body and used an as extension of her hands to deliver traditional therapeutic massage techniques. The heat softens muscle tissue providing access to deeper work with less pressure. Great for relieving: muscle tension, chronic pain, insomnia, stress and more!

1 hour…….$95

1 ½ hour…$125 (recommended)




Reiki promotes a sense of deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tensions. A Reiki treatment balances mind, body & soul; it renews and energizes bringing the body back into balance.


Customized Individual Session

      45 min…….$75

      1 hour…….$95


Crystal Reiki

Crystal Reiki is designed to dissolve stress and release tension in the body, allowing you to deeply relax and let go, while infusing your system with renewed vitality, focus, and energy. Crystals are high in vibration with both giving and receiving energy.

      30 min…….$45

      45 min…….$75

      1 hour…….$95


Chakra Balancing

In Chakra Clearing we activate your energy centers by placing attention and intention on the location of each chakra. This ancient practice leads to deep purification, transformation, and rejuvenation. The clearing of the energy can also balance our emotional state of mind.

      30 min…….$45

      45 min….…$75

      1 hour…….$95


Intuitive Reiki with Carol


I believe Reiki energy has its own intelligence and goes where it is needed in the body. It may be emotional, mental, or physical. During a session I also will receive messages. Some of the messages include what’s going in your life present time, guidance on different areas, and issues held from childhood and on that can be released. Loved ones who have passed over may even pop in. Every session is different, and again spirit runs the show.


60 minutes......$95


Chakra Balancing (with or without tuning forks) with Diane

During Chakra Balancing, your energy centers are activated by placing attention and intention on the location of each chakra. This ancient practice leads to deep purification, transformation, and rejuvenation. The clearing of the energy can also balance one’s emotional state of mind.

-Tuning forks are tools used to apply specific vibrations to different parts of the body which can help release tension and stress, induce relaxation, relieve pain and inflammation, and promote emotional balance. Adding tuning forks in the session can help bring the energies back into balance.

      45mins - $65

      60mins - $80

Aura Cleansing (with or without tuning forks) with Diane

Our auras interact constantly with the energy of others. It's not uncommon for us to take on some of the energy of other people. Our auras can also harbor the energies of unwanted thought forms and unprocessed emotions. Any of these energies can make our energy field less balanced and can cause blockages. When our auras are blocked, we may feel tired, run down, unbalanced, depressed, anxious, "not quite ourselves," or even ill. An aura cleansing can help one feel more vibrant, clearer, happier, more balanced, and more like ourselves.

      45mins - $65

      60mins - $80

Chakra Balancing or Aura Cleansing for Kids (with or without tuning forks) with Diane

 Children are very sensitive to their environment around them. During a Chakra Balancing, their energy centers are activated by placing attention and intention on the location of each chakra. An Aura Cleansing can help them feel more vibrant, clearer, happier, more balanced.

      20mins - $35

      30mins - $45


Reiki with Diane

 A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body all levels: physical, mental, and emotional. Reiki treats the whole person creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

      45mins - $65

       60mins - $80


Vibrational Reiki with Diane

 Vibrational Reiki is a form of energy healing that combines Reiki and tuning forks to enhance a standard Reiki session. Using tuning forks during a Reiki session help promote a deeper healing of the physical, emotional and spiritual level.

      45mins - $75

       60mins - $90



Sound Vibrational Healing

Audio Pharmacology™ is an integrative technique of ancient healing systems fused with modern technology in a form of medicinal music, deep tissue/muscle massages, light/laser therapy, heat therapy, sound and visual performances (sound baths/showers, and recordings).  It is used to treat pain, inflammation, poor circulation, energy imbalances, Qi stagnation, stress, trauma and other bio energetic ailments.

           30 min…….$45

           1 hour…….$90



Individual Gong Healing Sessions with Benjamin Savage

Gong Meditations are a powerful way to bring your body and mind into balance, combat physical pain, low energy and depression. A gong meditation can shift your being from a state of suffering into a state of healing and clarity. Even if you are healthy and feeling fine, a gong meditation or sound healing can give you a super-charged sense of well-being!

            30 minutes…..$75

            1 hour……......$125




Aromatherapy is defined as the inhalation or bodily application of fragrant essential oils for therapeutic purposes. As a certified Aromatherapist, Monica is able to create custom oil blends for her clients to support physical, mental and spiritual health.


* Personal Aromatherapy Consultation (One-on- One In Person or by Phone)

15 minute consultation…$20

30 minute treatment, recommendations and instruction...$45

Custom blends available







The benefits of reflexology include its ability  to stimulate nerve function, increase energy, boost circulation, induce a deep state of relaxation, and eliminate toxins from the body. Includes hot towel wraps before and after treatment. Pair it with the detox & energize treatment to boost the detoxification process even more!

Further reading


           30 min…….$45

           45 min….$65

           1 hour…….$80

            Add-on Detox and Energy treatment…$30




      EFT Tapping Technique

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can help relieve stress, pain, anxieties, and so much more. Learn how to apply meridian tapping to your everyday life so that you can be living the life you want.

            Group session.........$40

            Individual Sessions…$125



     Transformational Coaching with Betty

As a trained Feminine Power transformational coach, Betty helps men and women to clarify what it is they would like to create in their lives, identify what might be in the way of reaching their goals and desires, recognize what subconscious beliefs they are holding on to, and discover how to break through the negative patterns that have been formed in order to have the lives they have always dreamed of.

This is done by unlocking 3 Centers of Power:  Power Center 1 – Stepping Forward into your Greatness by breaking down your Inner Glass Ceiling; Power Center 2 – Becoming a co-creator of your life by realizing that Life is always organizing around your success; Power Center 3 – Accessing the power to magnetize support by acknowledging that ‘We cannot become ourselves by ourselves.”  We need each other to come into our greatness.

All of this work is done with gentleness and tenderness with the prime focus on the clients generating the solutions to their problems and finding the answers to their questions within themselves.

           1 hour…….$75




Spiritual Guidance/Mediumship

      Individual Channeled Sessions with Judith

What is channeling? The ability to channel involves connecting and resonating with a particular energy field. It involves trust, empathy and the ability to make a strong connection. Judith Monahan has been channeling the energies of “The Brotherhood for Healing” since the 1980’s. Judith uses her skill to articulate the messages of these highly evolved souls who are dedicated to assisting us in healing old wounds, expanding our spiritual energy fields and leading a more creative life.

This is a time of great change and we are all being challenged to live a life of purpose. The old paradigms no longer work and we must find new ways to respond to life’s challenges. A session with Judith and the Brotherhood for Healing expands your understanding of the reality you have created and empowers you to create a new and more expansive future.

If you have questions about health, finances or relationships, a channeling session can provide insights and new levels of awareness. If you are on a spiritual journey, a channeling session will raise your vibration and clear your field.

This is an interactive experience. You are encouraged to ask questions and participate in this powerful process of transformation. Messages from the Brother or healing are expansive and focus on self- empowerment. Group sessions often provide a guided meditation.

Come and experience the energy and wisdom of “the Brotherhood for Healing”.

           1 hour………..$85


     Individual Gong Healing Sessions

Gong Meditations are a powerful way to bring your body and mind into balance, combat physical pain, low energy and depression. A gong meditation can shift your being from a state of suffering into a state of healing and clarity. Even if you are healthy and feeling fine, a gong meditation or sound healing can give you a super-charged sense of well-being!

           30 minutes…….$75

           1 hour……..…….$125


      Akashic Records Readings with Melissa

The Akashic Records are an energetic archive of the Souls’ past, present, and future possibilities. The Records offer empowerment and transformational tools to change your life by lending the wisdom, guidance, and perspective that you need in order to reset old patterns and move forward.

Melissa uses the Akashic Records to offer spiritual therapy, perspective, and guidance on issues, patterns, or questions you may have regarding your life, yourself, and your journey.

           30 min…….$45

           45 min…….$65

           1 hour…….$80


     Spiritual Therapy & Akashic Records (S.T.A.R.) Sessions with Melissa

S.T.A.R. Sessions with Melissa are comprised of two types of integrative therapies. This combination of Spiritual Therapy and Akashic Records includes Intuitive Guidance and Energy Work/Reiki while aligned within the energetic archive of your Soul’s past, present, and future possibilities. This type of healing therapy encourages circulation of information throughout the entire being of mind, body, and spirit.


            30 minutes …… $65

            45 minutes …… $80

            60 minutes …… $100


      Aura Readings

This 30 minute session includes an aura scan with an extensive report detailing the color and meanings of colors in the 5 areas of your aura, information about your personality traits, chakra strength, emotional stress and much more. You will receive information to help you understand how you perceive the events happening in your life as well as information about how others perceive you. You will be given crystal recommendations to make your colors more vibrant, positive, & harmonious. The 45 minute session will include everything in the aura reading but also include information about your chakra system. You will be able to see the strength or weaknesses in each chakra as shown by the brightness and solidity of the colors. This session includes an energy treatment or short meditation to help strengthen the aura field and chakras we choose to work on as well as a before and after image to show how one can improve this energy by using simple energetic techniques.


            30 minutes …… $45

            45 minutes …… $80


Mediumship Reading with Carol

During a session, I connect with the spirit world. I start by saying a silent prayer and tuning my energy to spirit. I will describe the evidence I get from spirit and together we will make that connection. I also can go direct if there is someone in particular you want to hear from. I have found spirit always runs the show. I cannot guarantee that the one you hoped to hear from is the one who will come forward. I feel spirit always gives what is needed.


30 minutes ...... $100

45 minutes ...... $125


Mediumship Reading with Angelica

Spirit always gives us what we need to hear and see at the exact time we need it. A mediumship read will connect you with loved ones who have passed on and give you important messages to help you on your journey forward.

            30 minutes …… $100

            45 minutes …… $135


Psychic Reading with Angelica

This reading will help you look at energetic shifts coming up within your career, finances, health, and relationships.

            30 minutes …… $100


Intuitive Counseling with Angelica

Similar to the psychic read, this is an energetic read to help you through blockages by providing you with some clarity on what and why you are stuck. It can help you heal areas within your life to help you live with more self-fulfillment.

           30 minutes …… $110

           45 minutes …… $140


Angel Reading with Angelica

Connect with your archangels, spirit guides, guardian angels, and even ascended masters.  This read provides powerful guidance to help you along on your spiritual and life journey.

            30 minutes …… $100

           45 minutes …… $135


Chi Machine

           15 minutes...$25

            add to any other service...$15

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Ionic Foot Bath

           30 min………..$35

      Learn More


Detox & Energize Treatment

Detoxification is one of the most effective methods to eliminate toxic substances that build up throughout our system. A high toxin load may cause skin problems, frequent or recurring colds, chronic pains, low energy levels, allergies and other illnesses.

Medi-body mud mask and mud bath is a detox therapy that draws toxins out of the body.  Detoxing your body via the feet is considered to be one of the safest forms of detoxification.


1st visit (30 minutes): $65

Follow up visits (30 minutes): $45

Add on to reflexology session: $35


Learn More



Customized Hypnosis Session

Haley offers professional services to people who want to feel and be their best. Hypnotherapy, Haley believes, is a therapeutic process built upon a foundation of helping, of empathy, and sincerely desiring to help people make changes, feel positive, and accomplish their goals in life. Hypnosis is a fantastic tool for addressing anxiety, depression, confidence, insomnia, weight gain and much more. Haley’s services are designed to help you master true empowerment, relaxation and new skills.

Hypnosis Session Options:

*Corporate Mindfulness and Meditation

*Medical Hypnotherapy

*Clinical Hypnotherapy/Depression, OCD

*Anxiety and Stress Management

*Ineffective Habits/ Phobias

*Pain Management (Hypnosis and Reiki)

*Peak Performance, Focus and Creativity

*Smoking Cessation

*Weight Loss

*Academic Performance


1st Appointment (90 minutes)….$150

Follow up (60 minutes)…..$100





Past Life Regression Therapy

Our true expression is Love. But often times we have forgotten who we really are. One way to accessing our True Self is by releasing the blockages to remembering our spiritual identity through Past Life Regression. Past life journeys can be very powerful and can help us deepen our understanding of our life purpose and soul lessons. In current and past lives, we create certain themes and patterns that we repeat over and over again. Past Life Regression may help to release phobias, emotional conflicts, relationship problems, and physical ailments.

I will intuitively guide you through hypnosis to a deep state of relaxation. This experience varies from person to person. Most people can release limiting emotional patterns without the intensity of the original experience. Through gentle questioning you are helped to remember significant events, beliefs, feelings, and relationship patterns from the past that influence your current life. The process also includes a past life review by your soul. Your Higher Self may guide you into a deep understanding of lessons and insights you gained throughout that lifetime. This allows individuals to review and re-script memories from the past in your current life with understanding from a “Higher Self” perspective.


Preparation for Past Life Regression:

1. In preparing for past life work it can be helpful to have a specific issue or problem that you would like to work on during the regression, although it is not necessary to have a specific question. Setting the intent by thinking about what you want from the regression session several days ahead sends a message to the subconscious mind that you are open to the experience.

2. Avoid heavy amounts of caffeine as much as possible on the day of your session. Stimulants can interfere with deep relaxation. However, if you get a headache without caffeine, do have a limited amount.

3. Get a good night's rests before you come in so you won't fall asleep during the session.

4. Try to not eat for at least an hour before your appointment, but do eat something earlier in the day so you will not be overly hungry.

I will provide a microphone to attach to you phone so you are able to take your sessions with you when you leave.

Know that you will get what you need at this time to help you in your spiritual growth and development. And always remember that your Higher Self or Higher Power will be there to guide you.


1.5-2 hours …… $200



Extended Past Life Regression

This is a great experience to visit multiple lifetimes. Extended past life regression allows you to visit two lifetimes in order to learn more about yourself on a spiritual level to heal and grow from karmic patterns.

3 hours….$300



Group Hypnosis

Do you want to take a journey to discover, and uncover who you were?  Past life regression is a unique experience that will allow you to gain more knowledge into your past lives so that you can learn more about who you are!

Have you ever felt like you were somebody else in a past lifetime? Have you ever visited a place for the first time, but felt at home and instinctually knew your way around? Have you ever had Déjà vu? Have you ever had a dream where you were a different person? Have you ever had irrational fears, or unexplained reactions to situations? Wonder where they might come from?

Sometimes people are just curious about where they were, what they did, and what happened to them. There are many things you can learn about yourself in this lifetime. You can learn how the past affects your spiritual purpose, and about what karma you have brought into this embodiment. You can address issues that you are facing in this life, and why you are facing certain issues or events.

This class will end with a past life meditation to help you gain knowledge and understanding of who you truly are on a soul level…  So, come with any questions, and do not miss this opportunity to regress in time.  Past life regression will help you connect to your previous lifetimes in order to help clear past life issues, and to create your future!

1 Hour Class ….. $30



The Soul Journey

This regression is a great way to access what happens in between lifetimes. This experience can allow you to meet with your soul guides, your soul group and council of elders. This helps to understand your life purpose, soul lessons and karmic patterns. Meeting in this soul realm can help understand the role that other souls place in your life. This experience can help assist you in remembering your true spiritual nature. It is suggested to schedule a past life regression first.

3-4 hours….$300




This is a way of communicating with your inner spirit, your soul, to retrieve information from past lifetimes in order to heal and grow. It helps to have a question or objective in mind to deepen the connection and direction under the guidance of your soul. This experience allows you to obtain information to help work through your current lifetime to communicate on a spiritual level. Journeying provides a safe environment to express one’s emotions to help on a deeper spiritual level. This is a great alternative to past life regression, when wanting to experience multiple lifetimes without a regression.

60 minutes….$100



Energy Work & Tarot

Haley uses Karuna Reiki which is a very compassionate and powerful practice. Karuna Reiki can be used to facilitate deep healing which is an extension out of love to ourselves and others. One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is time to care for not only our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. This allows you to have more balance in your life to help promote manifestation. These sessions also include a tarot reading to help expand and give you a tangible way to heal.

60 minutes….$100